Enroute from Harare to Kasungu in Malawi with the DC-3. Quite bumpy under the clouds today.
Parked for the night
Parked at Mafikeng airport.
Next leg: New Tempe to Mafikeng
Climbing out of New Tempe airport towards the first waypoint. Flying VFR this time too.
The landscape is mainly big plains with an elevation around 4500 ft.
This leg I fly the lovely MAAM-SIM DC-3 in DC-3 Airways livery.
Parked and shutdown by the trees
Parked at FATP New Tempe after 2.8 hours in the air. The airport is at approx 4500 ft MSL, and – in the simulator at least – is very small. Two small runways and a lot of trees. Nice flight at low-level VFR across the mountain ridges and then over the plains as I neared my destination.
Departing Cape Town
It is time to leave Cape Town for the next leg on the VPA World Tour. After crossing the South Atlantic by DC-8 it was time to slow down with the Douglas DC-4. Today in Pan American World Airways livery.
Turning left after departure from runway 19.
Beautiful landscape!
Cape Town, the airport in the background as I am climbing direct Wolseley NDB.
Sightseeing on the Falkland Islands with a North American P-51D Mustang.
Convenient and powerful personal transportation and fun to fly.
Landing in Cape Town
Descending on the ASPIK 1B STAR with the airport straight ahead. About to turn left for downwind and then ILS approach for runway 19.
On downwind for runway 19 at FACT. Beautiful landscape!
Inbound Africa
A couple of hundred miles off the coast of Africa. Today flying the Douglas DC-8-33 made by Historic Jetliner Group. Time to start preparing for the descent and approach into Cape Town International airport (FACT).
Skyhawks aerobatic team video
Beatiful flying by the Skyhawks aeorobatic team flying Fournier RF-4‘s, an aerobatic motorglider.
Summer over the Atlantic
Early summer morning over the South Atlantic enroute from Mount Pleasant, Falkland islands to Cape Town, South Africa.
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